Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hobby Update #2

I started I working on painting my Questing Knights and have managed to get 2 of them completely finished...alas my steam for Age of Sigmar seems to have faltered. These models are incredibly fun to paint, but they do take a while. Below are some pictures of the Questing Knight Champion.

So the hobby winds have shifted and I'm now pumped up to start working on some dropzone commander models! I was able to assemble and fully magnetize the PHR starter that I picked up and have even gotten the base coat of paint down on all of the Scourge vehicles from the starter box. I really do love the airbrush...makes painting go so much quicker. The plan is to paint up the UCM and the Scourge so I can start demoing some games. Perhaps I'll start working on the PHR, but we'll see where hobby winds blow then.

For the Scourge, since they look very crustacean like, I used the following picture for inspiration.

Here are some WIP photos of the Scourge. I'm going to try to take some nicer photos of the Scourge and UCM forces when they're all done.

I've also purchased the DBA 3.0. Fantastic set of rules. If you have any interest in historical warfare I'd urge you to pick this book up. For me the selling points are that the game plays quickly, you don't need hundreds of models, an army is incredibly affordable, and you still get that big battle feel. Other than the 28 mm figures I have already any further big battle games I only really want to play them in 15mm. Otherwise it's skirmish games for me at 28mm. And the only skirmish game I'm truly interested in at the moment is SAGA.

Age of Sigmar is fun...but it just doesn't quite do it for me. Perhaps I'll elaborate on that more in a different post though.

Hope you all have a good one! Until next time!

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